
In addition to a wide range of guest writers, The Middle Spaces is slowly growing from a one-man operation to an actual team. We are still looking to recruit a diverse and talented team of writers and/or editors to join those listed below. Some remuneration for this work is negotiable. If you feel passionate about his work and have experience writing for this site or other similar ones, feel free to reach out to our editor-in-chief. We are particularly looking to recruit regular writers from under-represented groups in comics studies.

Osvaldo Oyola, Editor-in-Chief

Osvaldo (@themiddlespaces on Twitter) received his PhD in English from Binghamton University in New York State in 2014 with a focus on post-war and contemporary transnational American literature, exploring how forms of collection create a framework for suturing pop culture with memory, histories, and traditions to inform various expressions of identity as it relates to race, ethnicity and gender and intersecting subcultures. Until recently he was a full-time lecturer in New York University’s Expository Writing Program, but currently he is an editor, independent scholar, and member of the International Comic Arts Forum executive committee. He was the 2019 winner of the Comics Studies Society’s Gilbery Seldes prize for public scholarship for his work on The Middle Spaces. Osvaldo is a native Brooklynite but recently moved to Pittsburgh, PA with his author/poet wife, two cats named for Francie and Katie from Betty Smith’s A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, and a chiweenie that came with the name Winnie. You can find links to other selected writing by Osvaldo here and links to his podcast appearances here.

Nicholas E. Miller, regular writer

Nicholas (@uncannydazzler on Twitter) is a regular writer for The Middle Spaces and Assistant Professor of English at Valdosta State University, where he teaches multicultural American literature, gender and a/sexuality studies, and comics studies. His essay, “Asexuality and Its Discontents: Making the ‘Invisible Orientation’ Visible in Comics,” has been published in Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society (2017) and his essay, “‘Now That It’s Just Us Girls’: Transmedial Feminisms from Archie to Riverdale,” has been published in Feminist Media Histories (2018). You can visit his website here.

Eric Gershik, copy editor

Eric (@RoyBattyNYC on Twitter) is a native New Yorker who earned a BA in History from Brooklyn College. He’s been editor for The Middle Spaces since 2015.